ISIS searches for new bases of operation

ISIS searches for new bases of operation

In an exclusive comment to the Arab Wall website, Mr. Ahmed Kamel El-Behairy, a researcher at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, revealed that ISIS is seeking to find new areas of operation for the organization, suggesting The Caucasus, Waziristan, and Lebanon as likely options.

El Beheiry stressed that the fall of the so-called ISIS caliphate in Al-Baghuz in March 2019, and the elimination of many of the group’s leaders in Syria, Iraq, and other countries of the region, prompted the organization to formulate a new strategy, searching for new bases from which to launch their operations. The group traditionally had fourteen areas of operation in several countries, in which it established branches and cells. ISIS announced this new strategy following the fall of Al-Baghouz. It centers on guerrilla warfare, expanding the scope of terrorist operations around the world by focusing on areas that do not receive much international attention, with the main objective being to compensate for the human and material losses suffered by the organization lately due to international strikes against it, as well as its involvement in military confrontations in multiple regions.