Algeria participates in  Russia’s  Vostok 2022 Exercises

Algeria participates in  Russia’s  Vostok 2022 Exercises

 Russia’s Vostok 2022 exercises come at a critical juncture, in the midst of the Russian-Ukrainian war, as tensions flare between Russia and the West. The exercises took place between 1-7 September in various locations across Russia’s Far East and the Sea of Japan, with the participation of troops from 14 countries, including China and India, which sent a clear message of solidarity with Russia. Algeria’s participation demonstrated its willingness to leverage its ties with the Moscow-Beijing axis in the face of American and Western pressure. 

 More than 50 thousand troops participated, armed with, among other equipment, 140 aircrafts, and 60 warships of various sizes and tactical armaments. Participating troops included the world’s second and third most powerful armies, the Russian and Chinese, respectively, as well as India, which is considered the fourth most powerful army in the world. Other participants include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Lao People’s Republic, Mongolia, Nicaragua, and the only two Arab countries, Algeria and Syria.

According to TASS, Russia’s state-run news agency, armies of the participating states conducted defensive and offensive operations in seven training fields in the Eastern military region, and the maritime and coastal areas of the Okhotsk Sea and the Sea of Japan. 

 Turbulent international conditions foreshadow significant changes in the global power structure, leading several observers to view these drills as more than merely coordinated exercises across international armies. The war in Ukraine , and the standoff in East Asia between the US and China regarding Taiwan portend an escalation of strategic and economic rivalry in the global struggle for influence and supremacy.

Messages from Moscow 

Russia and China are showcasing these large and unprecedented military drills  in order to demonstrate the following:

The combat readiness of Russian forces: These exercises are meant to signal Russia’s military strength, while Chinese participation signals a shared position with Russia in facing down threats and pressure from the US. Moreover, the presence of China’s allies points to the desire by Moscow and Beijing to display Asian solidarity as a counter balance to the West.

Launching a potential military alliance: Some military  observers  believe Moscow’s aspirations to strengthen the military ties  between the participating states as could represent laying the groundwork for a possible military alliance, led by China and Russia, to confront NATO, if the confrontation with the West escalates

 Karen Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, expressed US concerns about the participation of India , and what appears to be an attempt to create an anti-Western alliance, whose main pillars are  Moscow, Beijing and New Delhi, all heavyweights who could present a formidable counterbalance the West.

Entrenching Moscow’s pivot to the east: As Moscow’s relations with the West deteriorate, it will seek to strengthen its relations in Asia, and this has been clearly reflected in its political discourse. The exercises are a practical reflection of this orientation, and Russia’s interest in expanding its new alliances into Africa as well. 

 Algeria’s Agenda

Algeria’s participation in these exercises has many implications, the most important of which are:

Strengthening military cooperation with Moscow: A statement by the Algerian army highlighted that its participation in these exercises is an opportunity to exchange and share experiences with foreign armies, as well as improve skills and perform joint tasks. Russia’s  military  is expected to conduct joint counter-terrorism drills between Russian and Algerian ground forces in November this year at the Hamakir base in Algeria. Moscow has been the primary source of armaments for the Algerian army since its independence, so military cooperation with Russia is an essential element in the strategic relationship between the two countries.

Political alignment with Moscow: Algeria’s participation signals Algerian-Russian alignment on foreign policy, in the face expressed US concerns regarding any country conducting military exercises with Russia that launched an “unjustified and brutal” war against Ukraine, according to US officials.

Moving towards the Moscow-Beijing axis: Algeria seeks to strengthen its military cooperation with Russia as part of its efforts to join the BRICS group and develop closer ties with the Moscow-Beijing axis. This can be related to its ongoing tensions with Morocco, which is strengthening its ties with Western countries. Algeria sees stronger relations with Moscow and China as a  balance to Morocco’s alignments.

Thus, the Vostok 2022 exercises signal Moscow’s efforts to realign international configurations, and establish an “Eastern Axis” to counterbalance the “Western Axis”, in what could be a resurrection of the Cold War scenario. Algeria seeks to strengthen its military cooperation with Moscow as part of its endeavors to join BRICS and converge with the Moscow-Beijing axis, to counter balance Morocco on the international scene.